This blog is dedicated to friendship--the kind that is built and maintained over time and distance by shared laughter, tears, frustrations, successes, icecream, baby showers, and books.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

On Sharing Stupid Thoughts

Writing a blog post always takes me longer than it should. I always stew over trying to say exactly the right thing, because, after all, what I say will be recorded in the annals of time...or at least sent out there into the cyber world for everyone to see...forever! And while I'm sure my mom was trying to discourage me from saying something mean, I'm sure her comment, "Don't ever say anything you wouldn't want to see printed on the front page of a newspaper," applies to saying something stupid as well. With all that being said, however, in reality, I say a lot of stupid things, and my hope for this blog is that it will be a place where friends can say whatever they want--enlightening, or silly. Yes, we'll mostly be talking about the books we read, but aren't the comments we make about the things we read, or hear, or see, really reflections of how we feel, and how we perceive the world and the people, places,and situations in it? As I was deciding what book to choose for our first read, I stumbled across a copy of "Little Women", by Louisa May Alcott. I loved the movie, but had never read the book so I picked it up and began reading. It's a classic, so the writing style is a bit different than many of the more contemporary books I've read, but I love the descriptive character development that begins within even the first few pages. I couldn't help seeing a bit of myself in each of the March sisters as their loving, selfish, creative, protective, defiant, thoughtful personalities were revealed. What personality traits of each of the characters in "Little Women" do you most identify with? As we read, notice how those traits change, develop, and shape the characters. How have your unique traits changed over time and helped you develop into the person you are today? Let's start with the first six chapters. Share your insights and thoughts...even the stupid ones;)

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